Privacy policy


A. Introduction

  1. This Privacy Notice explains what we do with your personal data and applies to the registration and processing of all personal data you provide in any way to the following companies: PLC CO.BR.HA. and its affiliated companies.
  2. It describes how we collect, use and process your personal data and how we comply with our legal obligations to you in doing so. PLC CO.BR.HA. attaches the utmost importance to the privacy of your personal data and will only use it for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice.
  3. This Privacy Notice applies to the personal data of our website users, customers, prospects, suppliers, business partners, consumers, visitors to our brewery and other people we might contact.
  4. In view of relevant data protection legislation, including but not limited to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679, the company responsible for your personal data is PLC CO.BR.HA.
  5. NV CO.BR.HA has the right to amend this Privacy Notice at any time. Any amendment to the Privacy Notice will be announced on this website. The most up-to-date Privacy Notice can be found on this website at all times.
  6. If any provision of this Privacy Notice is wholly or partly void, voidable or contrary to law, it shall be deemed to be isolated and inapplicable. In such a case, PLC CO.BR.HA. will replace the provision in question with a provision of similar effect that is not wholly or partially void, voidable or in conflict with the law. The other provisions of the Privacy Notice will remain in full force and effect.
  7. This Privacy Notice is governed by Belgian law. The court in Leuven is competent to take cognisance of any disputes.

B. Definitions

  • Personal data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person.
  • Processing: an operation or set of operations involving personal data or a set of personal data whether or not carried out by automated means, such as collection, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, combination, erasure or destruction of data.
  • Controller: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing personal data.
  • Processor: a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.
  • Data subject: a natural person who can be directly or indirectly identified from data, in particular from an identifier such as a name, an identification number, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to his or her physical, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity.
  • Customers: this category includes our customers and others to whom PLC CO.BR.HA. provides services in the course of its business activities.
  • Suppliers: refers to partners and companies and independent contractors and freelancers providing services to PLC CO.BR.HA. PLC CO.BR.HA. requires suppliers to communicate the relevant parts of this Privacy Notice to their employees.
  • Consent: any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous expression of will whereby the data subject, by means of a statement or an unambiguous active act, accepts the processing of personal data concerning him/her.
  • Breach: a personal data security breach that results in the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorised disclosure of, or unauthorised access to, personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (AVG): a statutory instrument of the European Union to harmonise European data protection laws. The regulation is applicable since 25 May 2018 and any reference to it should be interpreted to include any national legislation implementing it.

C. From whom are personal data processed?

  1. Personal data of our customers, prospects, suppliers, visitors or other persons directly contacting CO.BR.HA. In the context of our contacts with you and in the performance of the agreement we have with you, we collect and process your personal data. In addition, we may also process personal data of your company representatives, employees and/or independent workers that you provide to us to enable us to contact you or to perform the agreement we have with you. If you provide us with the personal data of your representatives, staff members and other persons, you should inform them of the existence and content of this Privacy Notice. More specifically, the personal data we process relates to the following:

    • Identification data such as name, first name, …;
    • Contact details such as phone number, e-mail address, ...;
    • Financial information such as bank account number, ...;
    • Footage from surveillance cameras in the car park and brewery; In addition, personal data of customers and prospects may be collected directly from you when you make purchases or place orders with PLC CO.BR.HA., during promotional campaigns or an event organised by PLC CO.BR.HA. (competitions, presence of PLC CO.BR.HA. at fairs and other events, ...).
  2. Personal data of our website users When you visit our website, we collect the following personal data from you:

    • Your IP address;
    • Cookies. Cookies are small files stored on your computer by your browser that allow us to obtain certain information about your use of our website (choice of language, duration of your visit to the page, preferences, etc.). They facilitate navigation on our website. You can find more information in our 'cookie policy' via the link below Cookies

D. How do we collect your personal data?

  1. Personal data you provide to us:

    • Leaving your details on the Brewery Haacht website or via a form, as part of the commercial process;
    • Where you proactively contact us by phone or email;
    • Where we receive a business card from you;
    • Footage obtained from a surveillance camera;
    • ...
  2. Personal data we receive from other sources:

    • Our customers may share personal information about you with us;
    • When you are mentioned as a customer on an attendee list at relevant events;
    • ...
  3. Personal data we collect through our website:

    • We collect a limited amount of data about our website users, which we use to help us improve your experience of our website and manage our services. This includes, for example, information about how you use our website, the frequency with which you visit our website, the language in which you view our website and the times when our website is most popular;
    • We collect your data automatically via cookies.

E. For what purposes do we use your personal data?

  1. Personal data provided by you to NV CO.BR.HA will be processed for the purpose:
    • Checking this data for completeness and accuracy;
    • Allowing you to use the website and services of PLC CO.BR.HA.;
    • Informing you about similar products and/or services of PLC CO.BR.HA.;
    • Offering our products and services and the proper performance of agreements;
    • Manage our operations, for administrative purposes, to comply with legal obligations, to manage complaints and enquiries, ...;
    • Inform you about and/or warn you of improper use and/or misuse of the website;
    • Inform third parties about and/or warn them of improper use and/or misuse by you of PLC CO.BR.HA.'s website, to the extent necessary to counter the improper use or misuse;
    • Provide them to processors engaged by PLC CO.BR.HA. to perform tasks;
    • To use and pass them on to clients, relations, subcontractors of PLC CO.BR.HA., government bodies;
    • Provide it to group companies affiliated to PLC CO.BR.HA., to the effect that your data will (also) be included in the database of these affiliated group companies;
    • Securing immovable and movable property of PLC CO.BR.HA.;
    • Enabling us to defend ourselves in court;
  2. You may be given the opportunity to indicate that your personal data may also be used to inform you by e-mail, SMS or any other electronic means of communication about products and services, not equal or similar to the services of PLC CO.BR.HA. including the products and services of the partners carefully selected by PLC CO.BR.HA. You may terminate your granted consent at any time by sending an e-mail to
  3. If your data is used by PLC CO.BR.HA. to inform you by e-mail, SMS or any other electronic means of communication about similar products and services offered by PLC CO.BR.HA., you may object at any time by sending an e-mail to ..... requesting that your data is no longer used for this purpose.
  4. If your data is provided to group companies affiliated to PLC CO.BR.HA. and the data is (also) included in the database of these group companies, this Privacy Notice will apply to the processing of your data by these group companies. Provided that where PLC CO.BR.HA. appears, the name of the relevant group company should be read.

F. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

We use and process your personal data only if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Agreement: We process your personal data based on the agreement you have entered into with us.
  • The legitimate interest: Your personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interest e.g. when using surveillance cameras, collecting and recording your IP address to secure our website, ...
  • The law: We are legally obliged to process certain personal data and, if necessary, to communicate it to the competent authorities.
  • The consent: We have your free and express permission to contact you for direct marketing purposes.

G. With whom do we share your personal data?

  • Staff Only employees who need access to the personal data for the performance of their professional duties are granted access to it. They act under the supervision and responsibility of PLC CO.BR.HA.

  • Suppliers We use third-party suppliers to undertake certain processing so that we can offer you our products and services.

  • Authorities When legally obliged to do so, we may provide your personal data to audit authorities, tax authorities and investigative services.

  • Customers and prospects

  • Affiliated group companies

H. Where do we store and process your personal data?

Your personal data will not be transferred outside the European Union and/or the European Economic Area. Should PLC CO.BR.HA. intend to store and/or process them outside the EU or EEA, we will explicitly notify you and ensure that the same level of protection is guaranteed.

I. How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your personal data only to the extent necessary to fulfil the purpose of processing. Given that the need to retain personal data depends on the type of personal data and the purpose of processing, retention periods can vary considerably. These are the criteria we rely on to determine retention periods:

  • How long do we need the personal data to provide the service requested or to perform the agreement?
  • Have we established and announced a specific retention period?
  • Have we obtained permission to extend the retention period?
  • Are we subject to a legal, contractual or similar obligation?
  • Should personal data be kept longer in the context of a possible dispute?

Once we no longer need your personal data to fulfil the intended purpose and/or we are not legally obliged to keep them, we will permanently delete them or, if this proves impossible, we will anonymise them in our system.

J. What are your rights?

  • Right to information You have the right to be informed about the processing we carry out, your rights relating to it and the exercise of these rights at the latest at the time of collection of your personal data. That is why this Privacy Notice has been prepared.

  • Right of inspection You have access to the data that PLC CO.BR.HA. processes about you and you also have the right to inspect this personal data. At your request, we will provide you with a free copy of the personal data we process about you.

  • Right of rectification You have the right to request the rectification of incorrect, incomplete, inappropriate or outdated personal data.

  • Right to be forgotten In certain circumstances, you have the right to have the personal data we hold about you erased, for example if the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or if you have withdrawn your consent and there is no other legal basis for the processing.

  • Right of transferability With regard to personal data processed on the basis of your consent or because of their necessity for the provision of the requested products or services, PLC CO.BR.HA. will, at your request and to the extent technically feasible, make available to you or the third party you have designated in a digital, readable and structured format, a copy of the personal data you have transmitted. This right is limited to the personal data you yourself have made available to the controller.

  • Right to restriction of processing You have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data.

  • Right to withdraw your consent If the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time.

  • Right to object to certain processing operations If you disagree with the way PLC CO.BR.HA. processes certain personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, you have the right to object. You also have the right to challenge the processing of your personal data for direct marketing purposes, if you no longer wish to receive such communications from us. Your request will be considered as soon as possible, after which we will no longer process your personal data for such purposes.

K. Security of personal data

Your personal data is considered strictly personal. PLC CO.BR.HA. takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect personal data against destruction, loss, unintentional modification, damage, accidental or unlawful access or other unjustified data processing. In case of a personal data breach within PLC CO.BR.HA. and if this breach is found to pose a high risk to your rights and freedoms, we will inform you as soon as possible. Despite the security measures taken by PLC CO.BR.HA., third parties may still succeed in circumventing these measures and/or using your personal data for improper purposes. PLC CO.BR.HA. can never be held liable for this in any way. PLC CO.BR.HA. in no way accepts liability for any damage arising from the use of the personal data by third parties, to whom these data have been provided pursuant to this Privacy Notice or with your consent. Also, PLC CO.BR.HA. is not liable for any non-compliance with applicable laws and/or regulations (including privacy legislation) by these third parties.

L. Liability

  • The liability of PLC CO.BR.HA. for indirect damages is excluded in all cases;
  • Any possible liability is limited to an amount not exceeding EUR 2,500 per event and not exceeding EUR 5,000 per calendar year;
  • The liability of PLC CO.BR.HA. shall otherwise in any event never exceed what is paid out by its insurance in the case in question.


The provisions contained in this section apply in addition to the general provisions (Part I) if and insofar as you use the PLC CO.BR.HA website. This Privacy Notice is posted on the website of PLC CO.BR.HA. and its affiliated companies. PLC CO.BR.HA. reserves the right to amend and update this Notice at any time. The website always shows the latest version.

A. Website

PLC CO.BR.HA.'s website is public and accessible worldwide. Any data subject may visit the website without communicating their personal data to PLC CO.BR.HA.

B. References and links

The website of PLC CO.BR.HA. contains references and/or hyperlinks to one or more websites of third parties. PLC CO.BR.HA. is in no way liable for the manner in which these third parties deal with privacy legislation. PLC CO.BR.HA. therefore recommends that you check the privacy policies of these third parties' websites so that you are aware of how these third parties handle your personal data.

C. Use of log files

PLC CO.BR.HA.'s website automatically collects certain non-identifiable information about visitors to its website, including the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, the date and time of access to the website, the IP address of the Internet Service Provider, your operating system, the parts, information and pages of the website you have visited and/or viewed, as well as the material you forward or download from the website. This technical information is used to manage the website and to optimize the website and the services provided by PLC CO.BR.HA. In addition, this data may be used for historical, statistical or scientific purposes. The stored technical data may be passed on to third parties and may be permanently stored for future use.

D. Cookies


After you pass the age verification to enter the website, the website uses cookies. These are small data files sent by this website to your browser and written to the hard disk of your computer or mobile device. This data is used to identify the returning visitor to better tailor the website to them. This way, visitors will be able to log in faster and see any customized content. This way, you don't have to re-enter your personal data every time you visit this website. By default, most browsers are set to accept the use of cookies.

How to delete cookies?

If you wish to delete cookies, you should consult your browser manual. Within your browser, you also have the possibility to configure your cookie settings. You can set your browser to prevent the use of cookies, although this may mean that the site no longer works optimally. You can also ask your browser to warn you when a cookie is created, or to delete the cookies from your hard drive afterwards. This website uses the following cookies to improve accessibility and usability:

  • Google Analytics: to quickly identify errors, improve the user-friendliness of the website and continuously be aware of your information needs.
  • Through Google Analytics, we also collect information about website usage.
  • Javascript recognition: this website makes extensive use of Javascript. We use a cookie to check whether Javascript is enabled on your end.
  • Shopping cart: on the website you can order publications and products. We keep track of all publications and products you place in the shopping cart in a cookie.


If you have any questions, comments or complaints regarding this Privacy Notice and the way in which PLC CO.BR.HA. registers, uses and processes your data, you can communicate them by e-mail to or send a letter to Brewery Haacht, Legal Department, Provinciesteenweg 28, 3190 Boortmeerbeek.